I’m a double certified dharma (soul purpose) and spiritual life coach trained under the Dharma Coaching Institute (DCI). Before enrolling in DCI, I have always been active in the spaces of personal and spiritual growth. 

I’m originally from Missoula, Montana and moved to Tokyo, Japan to further my studies in international relations and now in the 3rd year of a PhD program focusing on the history and politics of the U.S.-Japan relationship.

I was feeling stressed not just with academics but my personal life, and went on a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat in 2020. The experience taught me that there was a lot that needed to heal. When you're in silence and stillness with yourself, you start to learn about the "monkey mind" - those jumpy voices and never-ending negative thought patterns in your head that bring you frustration and shame. In Vipassana, we are trained to observe those thoughts. If a thought arises, observe it, acknowledge it, then let it go.

The meditation experience was the catalyst into a deeper inner work journey. I became aware of the pain from my past, the insecurities, fears, and core childhood wounds. I found myself in toxic relationship dynamics and constantly craved validation and attention. I tied my worth as a person to what I was doing, experiencing, or making. My insecurities have stemmed from being Japanese in a predominantly white state, and not feeling like I belonged anywhere. I was always trying to make people like me and I said yes to everything and anything in order to receive validation and love. 

Through the work, I started to recognize the patterns in my life and journaled about them everyday. I began to process my emotions, regulate my nervous system, and realized that the pain from my past didn’t define me and actually taught me many lessons. Pain can be alchemized into your strength and power if you allow it to.

Through the healing process, I became my own best friend and strongest supporter. I began to accept and not judge the parts of myself I was taught not to like. Compassion started to fill my mind, body, and soul and this has completely changed my life. How you love yourself directly translates in how you love others and how you allow others to love you.

With all this energy and ignited passion, love, and excitement inside of me, I became clearer on my “why,” my mission statement, my purpose, my dharma. This will be a key pillar in our work together because this is where you will always come back to; this is your home-base, this is the gem that you have been waiting for. The whole process is all about unlocking that fire, joy, love, excitement, and power within.


  • Self-Awareness

    It all starts with reflection, self-awareness, and understanding who you are at the core and what your soul’s deepest desires are

  • Self-Acceptance & Compassion

    Next, we reflect on what may be blocking you from your desires and learn how to overcome these limiting beliefs through presence, non-judgement, self-acceptance and compassion

  • Aligned Action

    You always have a choice to take action based in your authenticity. The last step is to embody the new version of you and take aligned action that is anchored in high self-worth, your authentic desires, and purpose


Have any questions about coaching or you just want to experience what it’s like to work with a coach? Would love to chat!