Flowing with Fire: Coaching Inquiry Form

Hello and welcome to the Flowing with Fire Coaching Program. 🔥

If you are here, my guess is that you’re ready to start leading a life that is full of intention, purpose, and authentic self-expression.

Flowing with Fire is for the person who knows deep down that it is time to make a change in their life—even if it feels scary and uncomfortable.

Even if, right now, you feel stuck, confused, scared, or conflicted…

You’re done playing small, and you’re ready to find the coach that can help you reflect, ground, and take powerful action in building the life that sets your soul on fire.

On the other side of this program, my promise is that you will understand how your pain is your greatest source of power. Your energy will shift from going through the motions and into full-force LIVING of your life—navigating situations not to please, impress, or satisfy others, but instead leading with a wide-open heart and clear, always present understanding of what you want to do next.

You will have a balanced and masterful way of knowing what is in your control—and what is not. You will feel whole in who you are, regardless of the labels and boxes that you’ve been placed in throughout your life. You will be able to own, embrace, and express your authentic self—growing in your purpose, your confidence, compassion, and freedom—in a program that is just as powerful as it is fun, joyful and celebratory of all that you are.

The Flowing with Fire Coaching Program is a 12-session, 3-month private coaching container designed to help you step into your higher purpose and create the life that sets your soul on fire. If reading this description felt resonant in your soul and you’re ready to reclaim your truth and unlock your power, I would love to explore a fit in working together. ❤️‍🔥

Please complete the following survey questions to the best of your ability, and I will reach out through email to discuss next steps with you. I look forward to reading your answers and connecting with you soon!

Light & Love,

Nina Gamell