An Integrative Healing and Growth Women’s Retreat in Japan

Saturday, April 27th 2024


Location Venue in Kugenuma, Japan

Immerse yourself in a supportive environment where you can reconnect with your inner self, reflect on your journey, and rise into your fullest potential.  From empowering workshops to soul-nourishing discussions, this retreat is designed to help you thrive in a compassionate community of like-minded women.

Registration closes April 19th! Click on the link below to secure your spot! :)

If you desire…

  • A connection back to your essence

  • A digital detox and time in nature

  • Gentleness & compassion for yourself

  • A connection back to what lights you up authentically

  • A support network of like-minded women to remind you that you’re not alone

  • More mastery of your emotions and understanding of your needs

  • More joy and playfulness

…then this Retreat was made for you

What’s Included:


Embrace Playful Creativity: A Transformative Art Session to Reclaim your Inner Joy & Playfulness


Abundance Mindset Workshop: Release Judgment, Let Go of Fears and Connect with Your Essence


Soulful Manifestation Workshop: Gain Clarity on Your Vision and Channel Your Inner Light

Delicious and Nourishing Plant Based Lunch

Our lunch will be a wholesome experience on its own as we enjoy our special yakuzen plant-based bento made just for us by Yakuzen Gohan Nico, a beloved local gem. Yakuzen Gohan Nico is led by Yumi-san, a Yakuzen Advisor renowned for her expertise in ancient Chinese medicinal philosophy, our lunch is designed to energize both body and mind. Specializing in yakuzen cuisine, Yakuzen Gohan Nico uses seasonal, local ingredients, herbs, and fermentation techniques to restore balance within. Enjoy a specially crafted plant-based yakuzen bento, designed exclusively for our retreat.

Retreat Venue at a Japanese kominka surrounded by pine groves, a nationally registered cultural property loved by locals

Discover serenity and tradition at our retreat venue, Matsu no Mori Kugenuma (松の杜くげぬま). Situated just 5 minutes from Kugenuma Station (Enoden Line) and a short 20-minute walk from the beach, this 90-year-old Japanese kominka is registered as a national cultural heritage.

Surrounded by the tranquility of Shonan's landscapes, the venue has a lush garden with iconic pine trees. Passed down through generations, the house is now cared for by dedicated community volunteers. The venue fee collected from our retreat directly supports the preservation efforts for this cherished historical site, ensuring its legacy for future generations to cherish and enjoy.

⚠️ Please note that the closest station is Kugenuma Station (Enoden Line) and NOT Kugenuma Kaigan Station (Odakyu Enoshima Line).

Retreat Sponsored by MARIEANNE

MARIEANNE is a women-led business committed to nurturing well-being through the art of fragrance. Throughout our retreat, participants will experience the ambiance created by MARIEANNE's meticulously crafted candles infused with essential oils, coconut, and soy wax. These candles not only delight the senses but also cultivate an atmosphere conducive to mindfulness.



¥19800 ($131)


Kugenuma, Japan

Meet your Coaches!!!

Video of the Kominka we will host our retreat at!

Listen to what Reiko (one of our amazing coaches and facilitators) is most looking forward to with the retreat!

  • Reiko Suzuki

    Reiko is an Impact Coach dedicated to helping people create meaningful, authentic and lasting change starting from within, guiding them in a safe space for growth. She also serves as a Coach and Strategic Community Designer for WellC, a holistic wellness online community committed to cultivating the wellness habits of changemakers. Her method focuses on helping individuals identify the root causes of obstacles holding them back and build their mental fitness to drive systemic breakthroughs and accelerated growth.

    Her professional journey mirrors her diverse upbringing, with experience ranging from leading initiatives like mymizu, Japan's pioneering free refill app, to working with global leaders and scholars at UNU, the United Nations' think-tank and academic arm. She most recently, contributed her expertise as a consultant at a design consultancy Fabric, working with startups, Fortune 500 companies and educational institutions in the realms of sustainability, health and education.

    With 8 years of experience in social impact and wellness, coupled with professional training from the International Coaching Federation and the mental fitness programme Positive Intelligence, alongside a BA degree in Sociology from the University of British Columbia, her practice integrates these facets to address challenges at both individual and systemic levels.

    Instagram: @reizuki


  • Kristy Ishii

    Kristy is a fifth generation Japanese American, who has over 6 years of experience working internationally as a community leader, JET English Teacher, and full cycle executive recruiter in Japan. She works virtually from Los Angeles, as a Holistic Career Transitions and Wellness (Mindset) Coach. She is most known for helping clients get in touch with their inner wisdom, joy, self care & wellness, while in a career transition phase. She helps change patterned belief systems that are holding people back from success, by guiding them through mindset modules, which helps people gain clarity and realign with their roots and identities in life, relationships, and career.

    She holds a BA from UCLA, as well as a coaching certificate from Alyssa Nobriga’s Institute of Coaching Mastery.

    Instagram: @kristymariko



  • Nina Gamell

    Nina is a Japanese American double certified Dharma (soul purpose) and Spiritual Life Coach trained under the Dharma Coaching Institute (DCI). Before enrolling in DCI, she has always been active in the spaces of personal and spiritual growth practicing yoga, dance, and Vipassana meditation. Nina specializes in helping high achievers and people who have struggled with their identities learn to slow down, get clear on what they truly want, and live a life that is guided by their hearts and fueled by compassion. ❤️ Her method is supported by frameworks learned in DCI: (Dharma Discovery, Dharma Blueprint, Chakra System, Embodiment tools, Nervous System Regulation, Shadow and Inner Child Work.) In addition to coaching, Nina is a PhD candidate researching identity politics, nationhood, and belonging at a university based in Japan.

    Instagram: @nina.gamell



  • Lodging does not come with this retreat, however, if you would like to stay in the area Kristy, Reiko, and Nina will recommend available options.

  • While the main language of the retreat is English, Japanese clarification will be provided as needed.

  • Through this safe container, Kristy, Reiko, and Nina will be facilitating mindset, somatic, and soul-centered coaching exercises that will lead you to a deeper sense of connection with yourself and community. Examples of modalities that will be used in this program include meditation, visualization, self-inquiry, journal writing, somatic healing exercises, and embodiment practices.

  • The investment is 19800JPY ($132USD)

  • You’ll get an email with what to prepare for before the retreat!