A Soul Purpose Program with Nina Gamell

Reclaim Your Truth
& Unlock Your Power

The coaching program for those ready to reignite their life with unshakeable confidence, purpose, and passion.

Flowing with Fire is a coaching program designed to help you step into your higher purpose and create the life that sets your soul on fire.


  • You’re exhausted trying to fit the labels & expectations you’ve always had to live up to

  • You’re overwhelmed with friends’ and family’s voices for every decision that you make, leaving little room for the sound of your own voice for what you want

  • You’ve ignored the thing you really want to do out of fear of failure or disapproval, instead choosing the “safe” option that leaves you feeling numb, bored, or anxious every day

  • It is hard to prioritize yourself & your own happiness, but it’s easy to say yes to whatever seems like the “responsible” or “polite” thing to do

  • You find yourself holding back in saying what you really mean, depending on the situation and who you’re with

  • You struggle expressing what you need because you fear you’ll come off as needy or “too much”

  • You feel built-up resentment towards loved ones or friends that haven’t understood you–with anger and blame affecting your relationships with them

  • You find it difficult to go beyond surface-level conversations and be vulnerable with others

  • You find yourself trying to control situations around you and become angry when people don’t align with how you think they should act


You will lead a life that is authentically yours by design.
You will go from feeling confused, conflicted, and not enough in your identity– to feeling clear, powerful, and unshakeable in all that you are at a soul level.

If you desire…

  • An unapologetic knowing of who you are, what you stand for, & why you’re here

  • Unshakeable trust, ownership, and belief in your own choices

  • Unconditional love for the parts of yourself that you were taught not to like

  • Feeling like you are your own best friend, biggest fan & strongest supporter

  • Constant gentleness & compassion for yourself, no matter what

  • A balanced career that lights you up with work that doesn’t feel like work

  • Authentic, nurturing & full-hearted relationships where you can be all that you are

  • Untameable fire, passion, & love flowing freely all throughout the life you lead

…Flowing with Fire was made for you.


Your decisions are yours–
and no one else’s. 

You’re empowered & confident in making choices on your own with the energetic boundaries to maintain them. You no longer navigate situations to please, impress, or satisfy others.

You’re filled with anticipation & joy the moment you wake up every day.

Your heart is wide open, and your energy has transformed from going-through-the-motions into full-force, full-body love for the life you lead.

You know exactly who you are, what you want, & where you’re going.

You feel whole in who you are, regardless of the labels and boxes that you’ve been placed in throughout your life. You have a powerful sense of what your desires & direction are.

You understand your emotions & can regulate them with mastery.

You know what is in your power and control and what is not. You navigate life’s challenges with grounded and unshakeable balance.

What to Expect:

The Flowing with Fire Coaching Program is a 12-session,
3-month private coaching container

The 4 Main Stages that you’ll be guided through in Flowing with Fire:

  • Stage 1: Self-Awareness

    In this stage, we will unravel who you are at the soul-level, connect with your inner child, and bring awareness to the stories and belief-patterns that are rooted in shame, pain, and social conditioning.

  • Stage 2: The Frequency of Love

    In this stage, we will focus on accepting and loving the parts of ourselves that we were taught not to like. The main goal for this stage is to embody the frequency of love internally.

  • Stage 3: Designing a Purpose-led Life

    In this stage, we will start diving into your unique dharma (soul's purpose) and design a life that is in alignment with your purpose. This stage is all about taking aligned action and feeling into the higher version of yourself.

  • Stage 4: Embodiment & Becoming

    In this stage, we will be developing your purpose by understanding how to share it through your fullest expression. We will also be celebrating and honoring the work you have done and the new life you plan to lead.

Program Bonuses!

  • 120 min. Dharma Blueprint Integration Workshop

    This is a 5 stage co-creative process that establishes who you are, where you are and gives you a direction to channel
    your purpose.
    (A $250 USD Value)

  • Unlimited voice messaging support in between sessions

    In case you need support in between coaching sessions,
    I got you girl!

Reignite your flame of passion & purpose.
Reclaim your identity & your power.

Flowing with Fire is for the woman who is ready to create real change,
live with radical intention, and design the life that sets her soul on fire.

“Working with Nina not only helped me manage my fears and anxieties but also brought the spark back into my life that I didn't even realize I was missing”

The opportunity to work with Nina presented itself to me shortly after finding out I was pregnant.  Despite being incredibly excited about my pregnancy, I was filled with worry, anxiety, and uncertainty about my future. I was excited to take the leap to work with Nina in hopes of feeling more grounded in this place in my life. I was eager to rediscover myself as a mother and figure out how this new role fits into my life and my passions. I loved how well Nina help space for me and listened to what I was saying. She asked thoughtful questions and made connections to other aspects of my life that we had discussed.  Each session felt intentional as we worked through different topics and I always left the meetings with actionable steps that I could take with me into my life.  Nina is such a beautiful and light-hearted individual which made opening up to her truly effortless.

At the start of our sessions, I was allowing my fears to control my life and take over my pregnancy.  After working with Nina for just one session, I was better able to tap into my motherly intuition and trust that the universe was going to take care of me.  As we continued forward, Nina helped me to regain the spark in my life that I realized I had been missing.  She helped me rediscover what excites me about life and understand that my purpose doesn't have to be career-driven, but instead is who I authentically am.  Nina said to me "life is so amazing when you are purpose-driven," and I have a better understanding of what my purpose is after working with Nina, and that is going to bring so much greater joy into my life.  I can't wait to share that joy with my child and be a better mother for it.  I can't wait to continue this work and feel the fullness this world has to offer.  Gaining a better understanding of my purpose helps me to know how I can be of service to others going forward. I am so grateful for this time spent working with Nina!

Jenna, mama-to-be living in the Pacific Northwest 

“Don't hesitate to embark on this journey with Nina;
it's an investment in yourself that you won't regret.”

Over the last 15 years, my life has been a whirlwind of constant movement and transformation which at times makes it more difficult to stay grounded. Through my coaching experience with Nina I wanted to ensure that despite how chaotic my outside world gets, I go through it with a sense of inner peace.

Nina’s guidance and support is wonderful! She creates a safe and nurturing space for self-exploration, providing invaluable insights and tools for personal growth. Her ability to shift perspectives and help you find grounding is truly transformative.

Nina's approach is one that is gentle and kind, which creates the perfect environment in which you can take a deep breath and let go for a moment. Her soothing nature is one of her best qualities, and simply being around her, you feel more peaceful. This comforting atmosphere makes you more receptive to advice and guidance, even when talking about topics that are heavy on your heart.

Working with Nina provided me with insights that nudged me towards shifting perspectives that didn’t serve me anymore. I'm amazed at how Nina equipped me with effective tools to navigate life at a particularly challenging time. From the start, Nina created a safe and nurturing space where I felt truly seen and heard. Her genuine care and guidance allowed me to explore my thoughts and emotions without judgment. Through Nina’s support, I gained clarity and discovered new dimensions of myself, which I will continue to explore further in the future.

Andrea, Peace and Development Professional 


Hi! I’m Nina, your dharma &
spiritual life coach.

My programs help you remember that everything you have been searching for is already within you.

Each of my coaching containers are designed to help you return to the truth that you are inherently whole and worthy as you are. I believe that your pain can alchemize into your power, and your power into purpose–if you allow it to.

My business is built around my belief that self-acceptance & love can change the world. As we do the big work of unlearning our conditioning & traumas, we can meet our past with the curiosity & reflection required to truly heal and return to love.

The more that we accept ourselves exactly as we are, the more peace, purpose, and hope we can spread to the world around us. I believe in a future filled with healing, open-mindedness, and love.

Are you with me?
Let’s build it together, then!


  • In me, you will find a coach who is a safe space-holder. Though I’m deeply passionate about following purpose and building an authentic life, my philosophy toward igniting change begins with gentleness, softness, self-compassion, and loving-kindness first.

    My containers are often described as warm, calming, nurturing, and non-judgmental. If you are looking for a space that is just as open & accepting as it is conducive to growth, Flowing with Fire could be a great fit for you.

    If you’re still not sure, let’s hop on a Discovery Call to chat!

  • Flowing with Fire is a 3-month program consisting of 12 coaching sessions. You will have the opportunity to choose to meet weekly or bi-monthly. Everyone has there own pace with this kind of work, so we can discuss what works best for you during our first kick-off and onboarding session!

  • Flowing with Flower is an investment starting at $2,500 (USD). Payment plans are available upon request or you can pay in full.

  • Due to the nature of this coaching program, refunds are not available.

  • Yes, absolutely! I’ve worked with people that have never experienced coaching before and they all love it and find it very effective. If you would like to experience beforehand what it’s like to work with a coach, you can hop on a free discovery call with me!

  • I offer lower price coaching services like the Dharma Blueprint workshop or customized coaching sessions. I also offer online group coaching programs so you can get a taste of what it’s like to work with a coach.

  • Yes! I work with people from all around the world through zoom. If you are based in Tokyo, Japan I offer face-to-face sessions as well.


Your pain can be your greatest source of power. 

We always have the choice to feel whether life is happening to us or for us.

Even if you don’t feel connected to it right now, there is a fire in your soul–and it can guide you if you allow it to.

Who you are authentically is who you are meant to be in this lifetime–and you are deeply worthy of love in your truest & fullest self-expression. 

Love and Light,


For those ready to own, embrace, and live into
the promise of their soul’s fire.

Submit your application for Flowing with Fire.